Students, parents, staff and members of the Las Cruces Public Schools community have a new, direct way to communicate with the district. The LCPS homepage now features a Public Input button on the center of the page, linking visitors to a direct communication platform for general school concerns, compliments or feedback.
The email link was created following a recent public forum with parents on safety practices at LCPS. Superintendent Ralph Ramos wanted the school community to have an easy, direct link to communicate with district officials.
“As always, the first line of communication for parents who need an immediate resolution should be at the building level, with their school’s teacher or principal,” said Ramos. “If there is a situation that the district should be aware of, or if someone wants to let us know what’s working at LCPS, we want to know that, too.”
Ramos added that the link should never be used for emergencies.
“We work diligently with law enforcement to relay any potential threats to our buildings or students. This public input link is not monitored by law enforcement and cannot replace the immediacy of calling 911 in the event of an emergency.”
Public input can be submitted directly to or online through the LCPS homepage, The Public Input portal is located on the button bar just below the photo gallery. In-person public input is still welcome at all regular LCPS Board of Education meetings and work sessions and is limited to three minutes. For a list of upcoming meetings, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.